Error message
Warning: Undefined variable $state_label in enisaweb_preprocess_node() (line 441 of /var/www/html/lib/themes/enisaweb/enisaweb.theme).Back to Cybersecurity Material
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ENISA’s New Strategy - At the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (#ENISA), we are committed to achieving a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union.
Our new strategy defines seven key objectives to enhance cooperation and anticipate threats:
Horizontal Objectives:
- Empowered communities in an engaged cyber ecosystem
- Foresight on emerging and future cybersecurity challenges
- Shared cybersecurity knowledge across Europe
Vertical Objectives:
- Support for consistent EU cybersecurity policy implementation
- Strong Union preparedness for cyber incidents and crises
- Enhanced cybersecurity capacity in the EU
- Building trust in secure digital solutions
Download the full document for a detailed look at our strategic objectives at